Downtown Buenos Aires

Downtown Buenos Aires

Friday, January 14, 2011

Counting the Days...

Que pasa, amigos?
I'm currently about a month away from shipping off to Buenos Aires Argentina until July and I can't wait! For those who are also anxious about reading my blog posts from abroad, I decided to jump the gun and get one started.  It seems like a lifetime until I finally leave, so I've been keeping myself busy by reading travel guides and researching local history. I found a great website that posts Argentine slang vocab, so I'll share a few key words with you to keep everyone up-to-date:

1. great, wonderful, cool. Estuvo bárbara la fiesta. It was a great party. Que bárbaro! Awesome, sweet!
onda (m)
1. the literal meaning is a wave, like a sound wave. However, it is used to talk about a situation or person in a good way. Tu amigo tiene muy buena onda. Your friend has a great vibe/is really cool. It is not only used in Argentina, but is used a lot, so is important to know. 
Boliche (m)
1. Refers to a dance club/disco in Argentina. They don´t say disco, nor do they say club.
Chamuyero (n)
1. a smooth talker, a sweet talker. Often used to describe guys that say whatever to try to pick up girls.
Lunfardo (m)
1. refers to the street slang and the slang of people who danced tango in Buenos Aires in the earlier 1900s. Many words and expressions are still used today.

The rest of the list can be found on

I'll post again closer to when I actually leave, so until then, Chao!